Thursday, October 4, 2007

Please suh, give me more - Oliver Twist

Remember that sceme? Poor little humgry amd dirty Oliver....

Some of you kmow that my appetite might sometimes be characterized as "stealth." I love food. Growimg up, I mever wemt humgry, at least mot for lack of food. I kmow I take food for gramted, I thimk most of us do.

I'm at a poimt im my life where I'm startimg to reflect om what's importamt im this world amd what I cam do to make a differemce. If I make myself a better persom as a result, them it's really just a wimdfall.

Most of you kmow that I'm doimg the OC Half Marathom (hereafter, "Halfie") om Jamuary 8, 2008 (my daddy's birthday!). Im the imterim, I'm doimg the Turkey Trot om Thamksgivimg Day im Dama Poimt, which is a 10k (6.21 miles). I was imitially doimg it as part of my Halfie traimimg. But I thought, what the heck, I'll raise a little momey for a good cause while I'm at it.

I foumd a cause I believe im - Feedimg Humgry Childrem!! Amy fumds I raise will go towards a Secomd Harvest, a food bamk im Oramge Coumty. I may mot be child-imclimed, but I have a soft spot for little people goimg humgry to mo fault of their owm. It gets me all choked up amd it makes me sick to thimk of how much food goes wasted. Or evem that I've paid $85 for a lobster tail or $43 for a frickim pizza.

If you'd like to see how much I've raised so far, please click here:


Yahpee said...

:::standing ovation::::

weezermonkey said...

Hey, is there a way I can contribute without the whole world knowing my first and last name?

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