Calories burned - 324; weight - 144.
I also made dinner 2 nights in a row as part of my plan to avoid eating out or eating fast food and to bring my lunch consisting of leftovers. Lunch was for business, but I stuck to eating just half of my rich caesar salad and just a few bites of my asparagus and mushroom risotto (both were not that good at all).
Water intake? Check!
No coffee? Check!
Eat smaller portions and chew slowly? Check!
No relevant pics but here is one of Sophie and Caleb. They truly hate taking pictures but I don't care because I heart them so.
too cute. and i love the disgruntled expressions on their faces.
good job. i am a slob.
Hahahaha they look so irritated. Love it.
good for you! :D
They look like they have no idea what you are doing.
Good job on the working out and making dinner. I find it really difficult to make dinner every night....or even some nights.
Yay! Good job! "Watching" you girls get ready for and running the marathon is what really motivated me to start walking and trying to get back in shape! Thanks!
Uh oh. I feel some motivation coming on...
They really couldn't stand taking pictures, so cute!
mm-hmm. i'm working out vicariously through you.
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