Thursday, November 5, 2009

Don't bother reading this post

It's seriously that fucking boring.

- Ran 4.5 miles with Dip, total 5.19 including warmup and cooldown. The sprints felt good.

- Lunched with a business colleague today. By end of business day 2 new client meetings set up by him. Awesome.

- Mourned the fact that I'm missing Real Housewives of OC premier. Seriously considering ordering cable again.

- Made appointment to try Reformer Pilates next week.

- Home to leftovers from Sunday for dinner, walked the dogs, yoga, watched The Women on dvd.

I need a life.


delovelydetails said...

I feel you on the boring part. I'm begging my husband to do something fun this weekend so I have something to blog about. It's gonna be a long 30 days.

JD 2 B said...

Look at this way--you don't have anything awful happening to blog about ;-)

amber said...

My weekdays are similarly boring, so don't feel too bad. :)

Unknown said...

I thought that sounded like a great day. How old does that make me? :/

J Lopez said...

I concur. You need a life. Or a break. so where we going?

Winnie said...

You worked out. That's more than I can say I've done.

Feminist Gold Digger said...

Please get cable.

And ditto Winnie.