Saturday, December 31, 2011

Omg, so many clothes!

My friend Kim gave me a ton of stuff today for the baby! I couldn't believe it! I picked out the gender neutral stuff, and there's still half a bag left of boy's stuff. My cousin gave me girl clothes so either way, I think we're good!

Here are some pictures!


Cream velvet outfit from Children's Place:

Pants. Mark said browns can be for a girl or a boy:


And all of them laid out!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New phone and camera, huge picture difference!

For Christmas, my husband got me an - I LOVE IT! I really hated my An.droid 2 and had to do a hard wipeout about once a week. LAMES. And it was SLOW. I am so glad to be rid of it. What's bullshit is that I would've had to wait until April 2012 to get a promo price on the iphone from Veri.zon unless I opened a new line. I didn't want to do it, but H just went ahead and did it. He was probably sick of hearing me verbally abuse my piece of shit Moto.rola An.droid 2 phone.

Look at the difference in picture quality!! Same closet, same lighting setting. Unbelievable, right?
Old phone:



Friday, December 23, 2011


I can't believe it. Woohooo!

Nursery update and photo.