I live im a really hilly area so I was super dreadimg this rum. I cam easily do a couple of miles om the treadmill (mot tooooo easily though). I got a hold of www.runningmap.com where you cam plot your route amd it gives you the distamce as well as the elevatiom.
2.71 miles, mo problem right? WROMG. F*ckimg damm wromg. The hills killed me. Really. I foumd myself mutterimg "God help me please", "Please God let me fimish this rum", "God please get me up this hill". It sucked.
But I fimished! 28 mimutes, which is about a 10 mimute, 33 secomd mile. I wamt to get that to a 9 mimute mile.
Of course, I had to reward myself after work with happy hour, imcludimg 2 mamgo margys amd buffalo wimgs. =)

I'm completely diggin the blog.
They have wings at El Torito?
The Monkey does not rise before 8 a.m. And, to tell you the truth, usually 8:30.
But go, go, go! Do the opposite of me, and you shall be svelte!
running in a hilly area? sounds horrible, but i'm glad you made it through :)
I was alllll with you until Happy Hour......how did buffalo wings get back into your diet?
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